Weight Loss Program Calimesa

This is MetCon 3D!

MetCon 3D (Metabolic Conditioning) is designed to accelerate your athletic performance, muscular endurance and improve your understanding of basic weight training principles through:

  • Building muscle and burning fat through utilizing free weight training fundamentals with upper body, lower body and full body workout splits with scaling and modifications for all fitness levels.
  • Kick starting weight-loss with a mix of fast paced and scalable high intensity interval training components.
  • Improving your stamina and longevity in your training and in life with mid to long distance cardio components.


Join a like-minded group of individuals who keep each other accountable, encourage, and push one another to be stronger every week in this mix of strength training, HIIT and boot camp style classes.

Unsure of where to start?

Fill out our fitness questionnaire and book a fitness consultation. It’s completely free!

Easy Weight Loss Program

Building Muscle

Building muscle involves resistance training, like weightlifting, to stimulate muscle growth. Incorporating compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses is essential. A balanced diet with sufficient protein is also crucial for muscle development. What role do free weights play in muscle building?

Burning Fat

What are practical fat-burning exercises? How does the body use fat for energy during workouts? How does muscle-building contribute to fat loss? What role does nutrition play in fat burning?

Kick-Start Weight Loss with HIIT

Shedding unwanted pounds can be daunting, but Metcon 3D simplifies the process. We introduce you to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) components that are both fast-paced and scalable. HIIT is renowned for its efficiency in burning calories and accelerating your metabolism. Our program is your express ticket to a leaner, more energized you.

What is HIIT Training?

Shedding unwanted pounds can be daunting, but Metcon 3D simplifies the process. We introduce you to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) components that are both fast-paced and scalable. HIIT is renowned for its efficiency in burning calories and accelerating your metabolism. Our program is your express ticket to a leaner, more energized you.

High-Intensity Phase

This phase involves performing exercises at maximum effort. It can include activities like sprinting, jumping, or lifting weights. This phase elevates your heart rate and pushes your body to its limits.

Recovery Phase

After the high-intensity phase, you have a short recovery period. During this time, you can either rest completely or engage in low-intensity activities like walking or jogging. This phase allows your heart rate to decrease and your body to recover.

The key to HIIT’s effectiveness is the repeated alternation between these phases. This process elevates your heart rate, which is followed by a brief recovery, and then another intense burst. The cycle is repeated for the duration of the workout.

HIIT for Weight Loss

How does HIIT contribute to weight loss? Are there specific HIIT workouts that are more effective for fat loss? How does HIIT impact metabolism?

Calorie Burn

The intense phases of HIIT burn a significant number of calories during the workout, and the elevated metabolic rate continues to burn calories post-exercise.

Fat Oxidation

HIIT increases the body’s ability to oxidize fat for energy, making it an effective tool for reducing body fat.

Metabolic Rate

HIIT can temporarily boost your metabolism, which can lead to increased energy expenditure even at rest.

Appetite Regulation

HIIT may help regulate appetite and reduce cravings, which can support weight loss efforts.

Enhancing Stamina and Longevity

We understand that your fitness journey is a long-term commitment. That’s why Metcon 3D doesn’t just focus on quick results; it’s designed to improve your stamina and longevity in your training and daily life. Our mid to long-distance cardio components ensure that you build endurance, making every activity in your life feel more manageable and enjoyable.

Importance of Stamina

Why is stamina essential for overall fitness and daily life? What are the health benefits of improved endurance?

Cardio Components

Explain what mid to long-distance cardio components are. How do they contribute to endurance and longevity in fitness? What’s the difference between cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance?

Join a Supportive Fitness Community

Fitness is not a solitary pursuit at Metcon 3D. When you embark on this journey, you become part of a like-minded group committed to their fitness goals. Our community is built on accountability, encouragement, and mutual empowerment. In our mix of strength training, HIIT, and boot camp-style classes, you’ll find the motivation to push your limits and become stronger each week. Together, we celebrate your victories, no matter how small, and support you in overcoming challenges.

Metcon 3D is more than just a fitness program; it’s a transformational experience. It’s about unleashing your inner athlete, increasing your endurance, and connecting with a passionate fitness community. Are you ready to take your athletic performance and muscular endurance to the next level? Join us on this exhilarating fitness journey, and let Metcon 3D be your partner in achieving your fitness dreams. Don’t wait; start your Metcon 3D journey today!